Friday, March 27, 2009

That Chair

Chair: Soft, Big, Empty
Heart: Racing, Pumping, Ready
Mind: Mark, Set, GO!

Showers gentle, short but sweet
Encouraged all that met and...and...

Closer, tighter as we hold!
Hoping, grinding, no longer cold

Sweating, pleading, Never Stops!
Moaning, Groaning, until it drops!

Chair, to door, to more and more
Parts screaming to settle the score

Teased, not pleased..what's happening here?
Baby! Relax! Let's go back to the chair!!

Chair, chair...hand in hair...
Chair, longer there!!

Hand in Hair,!!?
Legs beware, where!?...there!!!

Pushed, taken, soaked, filled
Pulled, dragged, shifted...skill!

Held, gripped, God!! i'm whipped!
Squinted!! Printed! Hand...Hip!!

Faster, Harder, YESSSSSSSSSSS...OOOOOOOHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silence, only heart beat tone

Soft, Hugged, Kissed
Exhale...Deep breathe...Exhale
DAMN!! that CHAIR!!

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