Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nights like this

Its nights like these that i'd liked to be kissed with the tenderness of the winds bliss. To be missed! In nights like this.

Its nights like this, i'd give my time to unwind & grind on the pillows of love new! Caressing you & fulfilling my wants needs to be in your inside!

Its nights like these I miss! Missed are nights like these! Where moonlight skates on tamed river tops, glistening eternally for man kind to see & enjoy...let alone, experience!

Its nights like these, single shelfs cleve to the dust of time! Even spiders wink at flies! Not to consume, but to resume the feeling of caring & sharing!

It's nights like these I miss my love lost! Though never found, I'm sure it's bound in that secret place! Where only I can unlock even with my lip's embrace

Nights like this I burn! Yerning for the arms of whom was meant for me! And to think I wanted nothing like know...nights like this, to mope like this, to cry like miss like this. I want that kiss! And tell me this! How long will this bliss exsit?

1 comment:

Ja'Mel said...