Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sweet Joy

The sweetest joy is...
facing your fear dead in the face

The Sweetest joy is...
riddling yourself of all things that are not of you!
But clothing yourself with what you truly are!

The sweetest joy is...
smiling back at your enemies and feeling

The sweetest joy is...
Staying true to what you believe in!

The sweetest joy is...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"riddLIng yourself" or is it "riddIng yourself"? If the former, then I guess it helps you to fix and patch yourself first before others notice the bad traits that started developing but you no longer want to be associated with! Correct me if I'm wrong.

Nonetheless, I think the sweetest joy is "knowing what IS truth", for truth is the only concept that has no relativity and it shouldn't!