Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nothing block

Sit...Stare...and stare again!
in a state of want, my mind grows no more
Millions of thoughts around, not enough hands to grasp them

Jolted by fresh ideas, startling ones!
but can never finish the thought, let alone see the end coming.
Like daily dreams, one will say "i cannot remember" but although in your forgetful state
you're able to garner pieces, tiny pieces of what you envisaged

squeezing eyes, hesitant hands...wanting to write, but unable to flow
what manner of force hinders invisible life...wanting to manifest itself as words and verses and paragraphs

you see...i wanted to write, but nothing came to mind
i wanted it to speak to you, but nothing flowed
instead you hear the ramblings of a man with a mental block...trying to wring his way around it
to bring life changing words to you

This is the price i pay...this is the price i pay for YOU!
Put yourself in my shoes! yes! let's trade...
Me for you and you for me...

Now, go ahead...utter the words i would!
think the thoughts i can!!
Strange...isn't it,
how the tables have turned
Now i'm here, staring at you, just like how you would stare
Now i'm here, waiting on what you have to say..."Don't waste my time!"

Snap out of it!...You're back to yourself
Let me worry about saving the world
while charlatans like you sit and snicker at my gift

Try to do something else with your time
instead of stifling that which you don't understand
Doing "Nothing" about it!!

My thoughts flow again...
I've vanquished "NOTHING!"
Next time i feel this way...i'll think about you!!
Better yet...i'll write about you...
"Nothings like you!"

1 comment:

Davina said...

Never see a better description of how writers block feels.