Friday, January 8, 2010

Silent tears...

Silent tears fall the hardest
They are the salt of despair seeping slowly beneath your heart
Rendering it lifeless…

Each beat slows its pace
Beating deeper and slower
Deeper and slower…
Until it stopppssss….

….eyes behold its last glimpse
Silently a tear drop falls
Rippling in the sea of the unknown
Spreading to its last…

No one knows!
No one will!
Happened in isolation…
Silent tears…


shermaine said...

sorrows do erode your strength sometimes seemingly to the point where your heart skips a beat or two. i guess we all can relate to this at some point in time...

Kdog said...

Very good poem. From the onset, the first line captures so succinctly the pain the 'silent tears' bring. The first and last stanzas appeal to me more.

I had a thought though. Isn't salt used for preservation; and to heal wounds? I'm trying to understand that juxtaposition of "lifeless" and the seeming life quality of salt.

Maybe you can explain.