The many moons and suns have melted on top of my head
Locking my memory towards the day of all days
I length…the loss of breath and sound beholds me!
The day that has melted and formed no speech
The final steps are single
Flowing graciously amidst fashioned trees
Lined with sanctity and purity
The smiling bride blinds me with her glow
My locks play strings to sing the melody of memory
But stuck to strum only one…
A sharp…flat…mute chord
That will never feel the touch of music
No words have gathered
No thoughts conjured
The speechless poet is in awe of time
A priceless moment awaits me
As my words escape before my heart stops beating
And the lump emerges in my throat
As tears shale my lips to a shiver
But still!! No sound is made
As the tear may fall
It drops only to silently say…
No words still! While questions linger
But just awe! And more awe!
Silent…very silent!
Etching upon the tablet of my aching, joyful
Yet subtly hurting heart
My gift is quiet, humble and teary
The silent, speechless poet will write to many morrows
In ode to risking love for mud
In warning for young lovers
but written for speeches of others
I give you my voice in word!
Speak for me!
Speak for the speechless poet!
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