Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Patiently he waits

The master of none;
sits between the master less, scheming his next move.
Edged by want! his playing lips kisses the ear of those listening

Wonderers of time themselves
the lining of cloudless skies

Easily his wings and winds gather the remains of love.
Distantly and carefree; flinging them together to map his path

Eagerly they cling to his breath
drawing substance and lust to make them flesh.
Bathing slowly in his caress; he is patient towards the reincarnation

As they dance as concubines for the feast
The master of none is filled with desire.
Painting images of "next"
shadows of wrenching hands to sheets and fang like teeth sinking pleasurably into the contours of his neck

"The feast if nigh!"
Body less feelings sway and twist before him stimulating his every sense...

"Taste of my wine" he utters;
with lips dripping with sweet melodies
eyes filled with lust and hands beckoning to embrace.

"ALAS!" The wonderers of time give way to their wills.
Releasing that unknown self
only to sacrifice their very being of existence yet again.

"I've waited for you" chuckled the grinning master of none

I've groomed you from such a time
find refuge in my embrace
never again shall you find yourself!
you're lost forever in my embrace.

1 comment:

shermaine said...

"fang like teeth sinking pleasurably into the contours of his neck"...... Patiently he waits is one i will never forget....