Thursday, September 9, 2010

One to another

like a switch
it all changes from love to hate
or is it hate to love

changing lanes
no instance of regret in first steps
sudden tumbles throw us down and make us ugly

its the ego
the drift to make the push faster
the channels never sync after lost contact

remembered more
but couldn't care less of what you though
didn't want to go on with that

"were" now "not at all"
perfect lovers stricken to perfect strangers
the pride inside holds our hearts together

we'd look and still ask
"am i remembered?"
"i wonder... if i'd..."

never again...
only in the light air we'd probably exchange words
words that meant more than the wind that carried it

only then we'd know how we truly forgot
what we wanted to feel
one for the other

but it hurts so bad
it hurts so bad to watch you wonder
watch you wonder away

its got me buggin'
would these memories ever fade
or would they stay...

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