Monday, September 28, 2009
Silver ink
Even in the bowels of sorrow and pain, the happiest joy is birthed.
The writers cage tightens, as all is no longer well within his mind.
The canvas has gotten rougher, resisting all mediums suggested.
The still small voice becomes hard the hear, the thuds and bellows replace the peace within, sparking embryos of dark seedlings fighting to burst forth.
The ditch is at its deepest! Voices rake the dulldrum feeding error to further continuance, further scraping the residue testing my core!
No longer can this persist!
No longer can tears beyond the stars rest as dew betwixt my locks
The constant rhythm rides!
Ya! The rhyme chimes but no line has been found about this world
Cast thy self about the clouds
Write the silver that lines them
Heed the call, lest the rain fall
And fall they will
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
If the world revolved on me
I am therefore my own axis!
God of my world.
If the world revolves around me
I am therefore the ruler and authority
of all that lives and dies in it.
If the world revolves around me
I am therefore creator and sustainer
Marvel and wonder maker
If the world revolves around me
and you are not invited in it!
therefore you are DEAD! to me
If the world revolves around me
and you happen to be caught in the world wind
live in it, adapt to what you see and hear!
If our worlds cannot co-exist
it is my nature to consume yours for the better good
for yours not existing with mine, waste resource i need to survive
My world is ever changing, ever rolling, ever spinning!
In centuries of decades, i call the spirits of right to share my world
Some turn upon my power and are cast beyond the darkness
If the world revolves around me
never would you have been created
never would you have seen
never would you have turned to tread the soil of my earth!
Never profess to give me such power of the world
for i know the world doesn't revolve around me
because you share air with me!
For in my world...that would never be!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I fear the scribe of love...
for scrutinizing eyes await my letters.
the window has spread it's light upon my page
I fear the cold of dark...
one crippled by it's consuming vacuum
in absence of an ear to utter my whispers
I fear the light the day...
the illumination of all secrets i once hid
now rides the rays that peer through the sky above and beyond
I wish to live the light...
transparent to every soul that beholds me
ridding myself of the shades of black and Grey
that discolour my mind and tongue
the isolation of my spirit
I'll live the life of light...
through periodic trials that line the road
the straight and narrow
Even in the light of adversity
my quest is set and resolute
that my words, thoughts and deeds ought to delight
and not ensnare
Uplift and not discourage
Praise and not blaspheme
The light of life dares to be
stretching, welcoming embrace
lending it's strength to the weak
Even from the "guttermost"...
i lift my head in light of hope
to be that light for one alike...
End this season
to answer the may questions about your head
to lend my hand momentarily to bring your heart rest.
Love was once a game i played...
no rules but mine mattered.
I strive just to hear you say your into me!
that's when the stakes grew high!
"My heart never begins
but always ends!"
Intentions never conjure; until the stage is set.
My patience always grows; and grows weary with time
Time i slip after time and time
till time is no more.
No more does my heart evade me
but more my heart tries to save me...
for never does it lead me; to where i really should be
So now! My heart wonders
for what's left of it.
You're not irrepairable
time brings healing,
but evasion with forgetfulness brings a miracle!
I am like the seasons...
Periodic like the waves that washes the shores
Heed the guidance of the stars never believe the moon
The overwhelming light blinds your sight
from the stars that plots your journey
I was a season!
Much like spring
But even flowers have withered
to birth new bloom and petal
"Sprung may not be the same as yesterday;
but spring will return! Inevitably
i sought to quell your confusion
my hand lent to guide thee free
the door and key is before you...
This season has ended abruptly
for thee and thee only
and YES!! it's not easy...nobody said it would be
this spring has ended
and the new spring unfortunately won't be...
Perry 18
If i ever had! I may have!
I may have lent it without getting it back
I speak of my...
My...smell of a scent in the room
and my thought about it!
Coupled with the skin upon it!
and the clothes that wear it!
Can i lend it?
can i ever get it back?
I speak of...
the body about it!
The taste that goes with it!
The desire the rises from it!
Coupled with the figure around it!
Can i...lend it?
If i ever did...would you keep it?
I speak of...
the feeling about it!
The peace among it!
the stare from it!
Can i...smell it?
and if i do one more time...
Could i resist it?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
it is another not to...
it can never go unnoticed...
never go unsaid...
We say we love! but do we really?
has it never pricked your mind, the moment those words leave your lips?
we say we can never live without! but haven't we?
so if we do! why is it so so so hard to hold onto..." "
where does the greed grip?
"I know! why do the questions drip!"
but think upon this...
"can I make time for another?"
My heart aches!
thinking is just as worse as doing
dancing with the devil
bound by wanderers
Words escape me...
because they can...
what I’m trying to say is...
"I’m learning everyday to let go...
and that's all you should know..."
The wind dances among and about your....
a feeling I’ve never shared with you!
simply cause time and space never permitted
Added feelings of this and that, moves and stops
Apprehension and intention
feeding on the absence, racing my blood for "hypes" and "highs" sake
Absence is not enough, gripping on sheets and flesh in my head
pulling my locks to fight the feeling...going out of my mind!!
holding my breath and exhaling only to catch slipping life through my nostrils
where have i gone with this...?
Ever so constantly...
Mahal Kita
some thoughts clash in mid air, searching for a place to rest it's restless head
Like a bird flying in a room of blue, circling in what may seem to be sky
finding no way to call "out!"
That's how the gloom and blue surrounds you!
Where the impressions have been made, apologies have been served
Time and time, over and over..."SORRY!" just can't do this time
Peering into eyes that can never forgive...
the body was breathless, emotionless, unresponsive
What does one do?
How does one start over?
If time could've been reversed...
I'm afraid you'd still be in the gloom and blue that surrounds you!
This time, renouncing "3" instances that had mutual sentiments
Where can one go?
When can one get off?
Believing in destiny still, but can we never make this go away?!
Erase the records, just play erase
wipe it clean among your thoughts...
Go opposite!...Just ROLL ON!