Monday, December 15, 2008

Dreamy real

Rolls and twists in the dew like air within 4 walls
creamy solid panes, with transparent aged glass from the 15th century separate me...

Drip, drop, splash...
heavy brushing winds, howling melodiously, la la bying a resting head
soft chills run up and down my spine, my toes cling to one another for warmth...
chilled earlobes along with a dog like nose.

Though cold, sheets not doing enough to bring me back to human warmth...
my thoughts are wrapped around the right sentiments!!

Blushing and smiling to myself, as flashes of a "type written" voice, digitized laughs & kisses are remembered.

The entire world stops! as my thoughts revolve around and round and round...
my missed, my blessed, and my love!!

hmmm's and ummmm's whispered in silent grins while eyes shut tight! roll with every delightful mental image.

Chasing the coming sun from inside my mind...i drag sheets to cover my eyes to elude it...
bury my head deeper in sinking softness, to give myself the illusion of night.

Once escaping to such a happy place, it is almost impossible to accept reality...
but with that acceptance, there is a shimmer of hope and even a greater possibility that with my waking, you're there with me!


Unknown said...

a unique touch of romance!....detailed!...i love it

Unknown said...

Fantastic imagery!...satisfactory the twist in the poem that makes me wonder if you're dreaming or not. what an the hint of real reality that steps in, whatever circumstances they are (in the first line of the last stanza)...perfect title!