Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Moon Gazer...these are for you!

From day to twilight!

the seeming mending of foreign hearts took place where the shores were kissed by the sea!
Like us...ever so gently the kisses grew more and more with each passing "tide second".

Sweeter and sweeter, lingering "thoughts" fused minds and fantasies, causing us to wonder what the future of moonshine & seashore kisses have to offer!

Alas! the passing of the rays of a mischievous lunar being, the fading hours of circular invoking, lulls with each second.

Alas! a wondering soul is at rest until another 28 days and counting.

A period of "periods" if you may..., but leaves no blood with it's shining slash, only satisfied venus' and dead mars!

"Until another shining my orange arouser! Until another shining...i bid you until!"

But even with the pain of being prisoner to a rotating master! It hurts more knowing i cannot share my fired passion "legally" with a prisoner of "want"

For you my tender kisser! for you my moon whisperer! For you!

When our eyes would touch, along with our intentions and our reservations! Like my moon, i bid you...."until"

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