Sunday, November 4, 2012

it was like...

it was like vomiting!
i wished to hear no sounds around me
silence has always been my friend
while lingering under that fan

it was painful
i wished it didn't rain but it did
you rolled with the clouds as they settled
those were my tears that reached you

I've written this before
a thousand times i suppose
or maybe a thousand more
but "this" was written once

I've never been here before
i plan not to be here again
so why does this feel so familiar?
but "this" was only now

i saw you like that fan
you spun pretending to be more to me
but you were less as i looked deeper
you slowed in my constant glare

it was like death
the silence i befriended became my enemy
stared me straight in the face
with nothing to utter...again!

it was like a heart attack
seizing every flow meant for life
i can't put those words in words
neither can i put that stutter to rest

I've written this before
a thousand times or maybe more
but "this" was written once
just once to settle the score.


Anonymous said...

this has a different twist to what i know....i wish to explore it! the new pen! i keep it up

Anonymous said...

I felt as though you wrote something I experienced as well !
I love the last verse ....just once to settle the score .... There were other elements that added a different insight "I saw you like that fan , u spun pretending to be more " that was so vivid and excruciating in its essence ! it ! Do keep up the good work !