Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blank pages

blank pages walked the corridor of a choked mind
they paced to and fro
ebbed and flowed to the yes and no of the same

render us harmless!
for we are here not for what's yours
but for what is OURS!

you've rid us of our skin
drained us of our blood
and buried us with your guilt

this will go no further!
this will be NO MORE!
we the whores of this pen are angry
and we wish to be FREE!

blank pages screamed upon a face
tramped this case
to the yes and no of the same

there's no use in hiding
we will ever be before you
like we were for you
and you for us

you've fed us with your lies
kept us with your eyes
bade us no good byes
and your evasion grows sour!

we will not condone you
we will not dethrone you
but rather implore you
be with US!, for we've never left your side!

blank pages drew nearer 
cutting with their edges
while craving scars to the yes and no of the same

render us TREACHEROUS!
we seek your soul in this very moment.
surrender deaf hands and fleeting thoughts
lest you bathe in your own ink!

you've made us fearless
you've trained us fierce...
why cause us to smite you?!
lest you've died in your silence

we've written your name time and time again
wished upon many a star to grasp your eye
all these and more have proven futile
WHERE!... has our master gone?

blank pages gather
piling in wanton fury
whirling to the yes and no of the same

there will be no speeches!
there will be no printing of words!
only the shedding of blood!
only the ridding of fear in the air!

this course will be severed!
likewise your stare from afar
we will be all you see
WE WILL be all you know!

like this bondage you've imposed
it will become you
for if our freedom is your sin
sinful you are within our eyes

blank pages now surround
stabbing and gashing 
to the yes and no of the same

you will not enjoy this!
this will bring you no pleasure.
behold the fear that confronts you
the embodiment of your own design

lay there lifeless
as we have many a night and day...
lay there naked and with no blood
be that page you never took

that page you never glanced upon
or rather that page you've learnt to ignore...
this is your cardinal sin
your blood will once again be our skin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow...those pages, like humans, can be really rough but relevant "counselors"
i can relate...