Saturday, December 4, 2010

Till it hurts...

where goes you...?
and why do you go when i call you...?
how long would it be...
and when would it ever stop...?

I give you....
the things that can never be sustained in this life
My will is....
keep givin' and givin' and givin'

Self says to...
all way it does, but i never listen
why run to...
just stay! keep givin' and givin' and givin'

some crumbs too
even when right i'd swallow
pride says to...
but i'd keep givin' and givin' and givin'

and when all is wrong
in light of red and dark nights
sea winds change course...
turn cool right after

Stay calm you...
you'll be torn right through
but just smile...
i'll keep givin' and givin' and givin'

Frustrated, zero rated
heart's racing, pain chasin'
bone chilled, life stilled
but guess what... i'll keep givin and givin and givin'

till there's no more
when one day you'll know the score
when simple things get complicated
and you wonder where they came from

when one day that bulb will blow
and you'll wake in a dark room filled with gloom
thinking it was all you....
ummm ummm you ain't been caring and seeing the
givin' and givin' and givin'


dEDe said...

"great peice Yaphet,it calls on one to really think and be grateful!" kudos.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"ummm ummm you ain't been caring and seeing the
givin' and givin' and givin"
I felt this have said this for me perfectly .... (Sigh)
Its a good write ! As usual !