Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Those words are "hers"

This is an entry!
For it must be said for my sanity

I've heard this all before
Same script, different cast!
Forgive me for sounding crass, but I am!

Like an age old mantra
It sung to me
"There's something about you..."
I never knew and neither did they
Until one day someone called it a "gift"

That thought drift some ways from my mind
But I kept it!
I didn't trip, thinking on those words
"A Gift, a gift, a gift?"
This made me stiff

In all the wrong places
Took a nose dive in the bee hive
I was thriving!
Story of my life was
"Why you not jiving?"

"Look upon these seas of hunny bees
Where is your sting?!
Ain't nothing but a chickennnnn..."

Head all boiled
Snake uncoiled
It was time to sink in

And that's where it had to begin
The script repeats itself
Metamorphosis in true physics
The soul never grew old

"There's something about you!"
Oh how I knew that number
Ready to tango, but with a whole lot less
Now under the stress of knowing the end

"It's not me ya see...
I'm just the precursor
But right here! right now!
You know that you're closer!"

"Cause i'm that test
I'm not that sign
I'm that detour
Cause your love is blind and so am I!"

"I'm not ready to go steady
Cause, there's something about you that's not me!
I can say that now, cause I've played that... how?"

"I can't remember when I fell in
Hell in
The dwelling of this "gift" that made me stiff
And I couldn't understand why I wanted to be a better man"

And so I told you!
And I'd breathe
And you agreed! That I'd succeed

But then you made a step
Just like my history creep
Back into my face again
To say you'll stay until the end

And there and then I run again
Counting to the top of 10
Because I never claimed you!
"But there's something abouttttt..."

You don't even say the words
Because your words... are hers!
And hers and hers !
Not mine but yours!
Your words...are just... like hers...
and hers...!

Don't sink me when I dip
I've stayed true to a beating heart
And when it lies I trip!

I am made of love
And this is true
I've never lied to you
But but my heart has

it wants to love you
Because i've never loved it
Like a wagging dog
I told it "SIT!...
I'm not playing with you!"

And so it roamed
Barking all around trying to find a new home
Cause home was not where my heart was!

Love is not blind
And cannot take over your mind
But love is free!
Free to love who it loves...unconditionally
"In spirit and in truth!"

In spirit and in truth?
Yes the root cause of this equation
The reason for this dilation in my eyes
When I can hold you
And say to you
And you'll know its true

For those words will be mine
Not yours!
In spirit and in truth!
In spirit and in truth!
In spirit...and in truth!

And this spirit has found its heart
Learning to love, learning to trust again
Cause the tail stopped wagging
And the master is warm again

Never will he hear again
"There's something about you!"
And not know its truth
Until the spirit gives you utterance
To says the words that's not "hers"
Or hers...or hers!

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