You never know what it really, truly means...
Within that quiet still posture
Several deaths at a time
The heart stops and restarts again
Bodies contemplating the unfairness of life
The un- seemingly shallow hope
The painted face that has none
Just a statue!
A pillar of despair...
The world no longer has colour within that stare
The heart cries
And no one listens
No one can, but that soul that sobs with it
But all seems well on the outside
From the "looks" of things nothing could possibly be wrong
Just another beautiful lie
That holds tight to breath
Not even wanting to release it
For that is all they have to own
No longer in control
A tear seeps out beneath shaded eyes
But again! No one see's
no one cares!
Just another beautiful lie
That no one can figure out
And everyone takes for granted
That blank, colourless, hopeless stare...
It means something!