Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm Sorry, but it's good now

I hadn't any clue that it was this complicated to leave a comment on my blog. I've only just realized it!!
(and nobody even told me before… :S )

Well that's fixed now! And I hope I’ll be seeing a whole lot more comments now that I’ve fixed it!

Thanks so much to the people that persevered and made sure they left a comment. Thank you so much for sharing.

I'll be doing a whole lot more now, I think I’ve broken through my "mental block" so just expect more poetry and thoughts from me in the coming future.

As you may have noticed, "I've changed my pen a bit" but it's only for the benefit of all people everywhere, big or small.

Thank you so much for your support through the years, and yes! I'm working on that book! :D


1 comment:

Kampus terkemuka said...

Thanks for the article really intresting