Sunday, September 6, 2009


In the stillness, trouble lurks
some thoughts clash in mid air, searching for a place to rest it's restless head
Like a bird flying in a room of blue, circling in what may seem to be sky
finding no way to call "out!"
That's how the gloom and blue surrounds you!

Where the impressions have been made, apologies have been served
Time and time, over and over..."SORRY!" just can't do this time
Peering into eyes that can never forgive...
the body was breathless, emotionless, unresponsive

What does one do?
How does one start over?
If time could've been reversed...
I'm afraid you'd still be in the gloom and blue that surrounds you!
This time, renouncing "3" instances that had mutual sentiments

Where can one go?
When can one get off?
Believing in destiny still, but can we never make this go away?!

Erase the records, just play erase
wipe it clean among your thoughts...
Go opposite!...Just ROLL ON!

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