Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Where do I begin?

Your thoughts were spoken
Our feelings grew high...a conversation that multiplied to many
Some still ongoing

Though lonely, both of us were
We found similarities, like any other "new friendship"
the excitement of getting to know you... intriguing
Truly! there must be something more to conversation

A word often misunderstood and now my phobia
Crossed feelings from fragmented memories of loves lost!
A human virus, one that must run it's course

"Spoken" time and time again
Hiding reels and reels of dialogue just because it can cause the making of a "Saga"
Something’s are better left unsaid!!

"Connected" by a mutual feeling and situation
That of a period..."This will all go away!"
During though, it feels so right! But it's so...
What is it?

Now we're both wondering...
Where will this end?
And if it does..."why does it have to?"