Monday, January 26, 2009

New day

At the rise of this dawn

I sing a new song,

Old things have passed away, BEHOLD!

All things have come new…

Not forgetting the past, that will never be lost

The pain, and the shame, of the colour hiding my veins

No I cannot forget!!

Yes we’ve come by sea

Stripped from we mudda and matti!!

Africa bawl!!...Mudda Africa ah bawl!!

Tossed and beaten to sailing ships

Packed and packed

Rolled and stacked!

Hmm, how ironic…

For together we were enslaved

Together! We were beaten and shamed

Together! We were sold for trade

Together! We were blinded and maimed

Some fell weary of the testing times!

Some just died, while others waited in line

“When freedom? When?”

Hear our crying souls, see our silent tears

So as the blood!

So as the killing!

So as the blood!

So as the picking!

So as the blood!!

So as the raping!

So as the blood!!!

So as the whipping!!

So as the blood!!!, so as the blood!!!

So as the blood splashed from the pitchforks’ end

So as the knife, sliding through white skin

We!!...we fought!

We fought to the end!!

Until, our days were over!

And Signed by a pen!!

Yes we cannot forget the yesterdays that have made us to today

But today!!

Today! We!!

Yes! WE!!...

Like the stacks we’ve made on sailing ships…together!!

Because, together!

We’ve made it through!

Together! We share the moment

Together! We must stay, to make the brighter tomorrow

This is our time!

This is our time!!

This is our time!!!

Let us make hay…while the sun shines!!

Free at last! Free at last!

Praise God almighty!

We are free at last!!

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