Tuesday, February 17, 2009


She always saw it in me!
She never let it slip…
She’d always have me higher than any other!

You see, she knew me when I didn’t
She believed in me when I couldn’t
She saw me today when I didn’t even believe in tomorrow

I shunned her
Told her things any typical wonderer would
Shut myself up by telling her she’s crazy

Crazy to believe that “I” can be
Crazy to believe that “I” is we!!
Crazy to believe the lies “I” told
Crazy to believe the stories “I” rolled

But through it all… thick and thin
She’d be there, for me and everything.
Never have I had another woman that looked past my ills
To have her whisper and say “I love you” come what may!

We hooked up because of racing hormones
I didn’t know I was busting my “brake’ cables
Stabbing her with my words
Slashing her with my actions

“When a woman’s fed up…
there is nothing you can do about it!!”
I’ve pushed away her love
Driving her to her knees, seeking her God

Tear filled nights
Heart wrenched days
She worked to make me stay
But I just wanted to play

Now years have passed
I’ve hopped and skipped in other girls
Never again finding one like her

Now I’ve steadied my head
Straightened my vision
Sharply interpreting my mission
Clearer than any midday

“but she’s gone …
Never to be by my side again!”
I see her in another’s arms
Wishing to wonder if her love is the same?
If he even has a clue how deep her love runs?

Now I see the visionary
The path that I have paved with her by my side
Now I walk the pave, All alone!!
Regretting that I didn’t wake soon enough

“The Black woman sees love in white lights,
Trimmed with gold, charted with silver, weaved
with the blood of herself and sweat to seal it.
Protected by angels, all locked by her lips.

Sorry in any language cannot erase the hurt I’ve caused
But thank you for believing in me. If even NOT IN LOVE.

Monday, February 16, 2009

To her!

To know that you're there, To play with you're hair! to confirm that you are dear to me!
The thoughts i can't bare...knowing the weight of your distance from my heart.
Like a sinking anchor it holds and pulls...but i fight chains with wings of desireI miss her...and i know she hears me!

Though distant, my heart is still weaved with her love

Mahal Kita, Mi Amor
Signed :DC - HK

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My people…
Lend me your ear…
Give me sight…
Insight…to the window of your mind

Long enough I’ve waited…
Waited to engage the cracks and shatters embedded in your mind
So allow me to sooth your pain with my anxiety

My depth is your healing
But you know not of my depth
Simply because you haven’t released yourself

My words play on your ear
But they often grow tired
Because you’ve locked them out

You see…Me standing here
Spitting words rapidly wouldn’t mean a thing
If you don’t open your mind…

You fool no one but yourself
Hiding daily… the true you
In the shadows of the “pre destiny report” handed to you by your fellow folk

My depth is your healing
But you know not of my depth
Because you don’t know self

Go ahead! Dare yourself…
Dare your self to listen within…
Dare yourself to listen to yourself…
Don’t get angry with yourself!!!
Because you can destroy yourself!!!

But instead…
Be patient with yourself…
Learn to love yourself…
Befriend yourself…

My depth is your healing
Open the door to my words
So that you may accept it

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery…
None but ourselves can free our mind”
Potent words that connect immediately to your soul…
When music hits you…you feel no pain!

So make music…
Make music with your thoughts…
Quell the pains you hide daily
And crush the fear that grips you

My depth is your healing
I’ve brought you this far…
Your chains are slowly slacking
You’re seeing beyond the bars

Simple are my teachings
For I’m just another listener
Listening to me, even as you listen to you

No shrinks, no hypnotism
Just time and introspection
All this for free…
So do this for me…

The next time you stand beside my river
My depth is your healing
Look upon my face
The reflection is must clearer
Because it’s you…in this case!!